No, we did not lose your kid.

By now or if not soon many of you may have already gotten through the first few days of school. With transitions, new changes in scheduling, and procedural safety changes, it takes a couple of weeks to get back into the groove of school mode once summer is over. Everyone gets into the classrooms just fine and dandy ready to begin the day, but come the after school bell it is chaos. It’s actually almost what one would call controlled chaos. Students just want to get home, teachers want them to go safely, and parents just want them… NOW. The parents are so ready for them that the line outside the school begins 30 minutes before school lets out. I get it, I’m a mom, you want your kid, but so do 500 other families. Your child’s safety is also my concern. While some will wait patiently others give you the Sheldon Cooper death stare waiting for your head to explode into tiny bits. But have you ever seen a mound of worker ants scrambling to do their job? Well, we are like that mound, we know the ins and outs of were we work so we will work together to find your child and we won’t give up until we do. So for the new year please be patient and help us adjust to the new safety changes implemented because your child is not lost, he is safe.

Proverbs 15:18 (NIV)

“A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.”

Dear Lord, we do our best as teachers to keep the children in our school safe. Though we cannot see and do everything please help us to work as best as we can to create an environment and expectation of safety within the school. Let the students follow the rules and examples set for them. Help the parents to understand and wait patiently for their children. Please give the students wisdom and knowledge in knowing where their family is going to pick them up. Give us teachers patience and knowledge to work together to create a system that is efficient and manageable. Even though not everything is full-proof please help us to do the best we can. Please protect the teachers, students, and families. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.